Call: 07980 015536
Here are a few of our services...
When it comes to the quality of the products supplied, we will only supply and fit goods (although we will install your own equipment) that pass our own high standards regarding durability, effectiveness, functionality and actual product quality. Over the years we have fitted many makes and models to suit all budgets however, we have noticed the quality and longevity is simply not present in many out there.
We work on all types of vehicles (cars, motorbikes, vans, campervans, caravans, trucks, motorhomes, horse trailers, horseboxes, livestock transport, HGVs, plant machinery, commercial vehicles such as taxis, ambulances, tractors, buses, haulage, boats and the unusual). So no matter what you require, Motosparkz can provide the solutions. Give us a call to see how we can help you.

Touch screen technology at your fingertips. These are not cameras, but screens you can control, monitor and activate different areas of your campervan, motorhome or horsebox whilst stationary or on
the move.

You'll love these if you drive a truck, bus, horsebox, motorhome or any commercial vehicle. These provide a birds-eye view of your vehicle making it a godsend when judging distance to do with driving, parking
and reversing.

We all want to protect what's ours, so if you need an immobiliser, dead locks, alarm, trackers or a way of electrocuting those attempting to steal from you, we can make it happen. (OK, blasting them with volts might be
taking a step to far...)

So you are either building your own motorbike or you have bought a classic car. Either way the wiring could be problematic. We build custom wiring looms and harnesses for all types of transport. No tangled messes here.

These all vary, from simple blown fuse issues through to more complicated faults. We have seen our fair share of these pesky blighters, luckily the more we get the better, so bring them on!

We can fit any type of dashcam to your
vehicle. Why bother? They are an effective way to record data should you have an accident, also they may have a GPS module which can record speeds and location which can help emergency services find you if you are in trouble.

We know, you turn on the engine and then that darn warning light appears on the dashboard. Some of them you can ignore, well for a while anyway, others scream FIX ME. We can tell you what's going on and stop them annoying you.

We can add them all to your vehicle from Cruise Control, DAB radio, TVs, parking sensors, cameras, audio or central locking, give us a ring for advice and which models are best suited to your car.

We don't just do electrical work on cars, vans or bikes. We do boats, tractors, HGV and even mobility scooters. When we say no job is too big or too small, we really mean it. We love a challenge so what are you waiting for?